Caring for your resident with Parkinson's (Excellence Network) Cost Free Duration 20 minutes This 20 minute narrated presentation will enable residential care staff to provide better care to residents with Parkinson's.
Good Brain, Bad Brain (FutureLearn) Cost Free Duration 3 weeks, 3 hours per week This free online course is designed for any professional with an interest in finding out more about the fundamentals of Parkinson's.
Introduction to Parkinson's (Excellence Network) Training location Online Cost Free Duration 1 hour This free 1-hour course will give a solid introduction to Parkinson's for healthcare professionals and staff in nursing and care homes, and home care agencies.
Supporting your patients with Parkinson’s: for ward staff Cost Free Duration 15 minutes This free 15-minute video from the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network will help ward staff understand the key issues when caring for people with Parkinson's.
Parkinson's disease: initial assessment and referral Cost Free for subscribers Duration 1 hour This free 1-hour course for GPs and nurses gives guidance on how to examine, assess and refer where Parkinson's is suspected.
Parkinson's Explained (FMBTraining) Training location West Midlands Duration 3.5 hours This course, which can be delivered in-house, is designed to give all levels of staff supporting people with Parkinson's an understanding of the condition.
Parkinson's train the trainer (Excellence Network) Training location Online Cost Free Duration 14 hours This 'train the trainer' course develops your knowledge of Parkinson's and gives you the skills and confidence to deliver the 3 hour Parkinson's Explained education session.
Parkinson's Training (ParkinsonNet) Cost Varies ParkinsonNet, based in the Netherlands, runs online and offline courses for health and social care professionals, ranging from basic to specialist level.
Parkinson's: Foundation modules for health and social care staff (Excellence Network) Training location Online Cost Free These free, online, interactive modules, delivered by Parkinson's UK Excellence Network will help any health and social care professional increase their knowledge and understanding of Parkinson's, so they can improve their practice.
Parkinson's: Foundation modules for pharmacists (Excellence Network) Cost Free Duration Minimum 10 hours These free online modules from Parkinson's UK will help any pharmacist, pharmacy team member or student increase their knowledge and understanding of Parkinson's.