Our health and social care campaigns
We campaign to improve health and social care services for people with Parkinson's. Find out more and how you can get involved.
Can't Wait
Can’t wait for checkups. Can’t wait for mental health support. Can’t wait for medication.
Our community can’t wait. We need Parkinson’s nurses now. Access to better support. Better treatments.
We’re campaigning for better Parkinson’s care across England. But we need your help.
Improving NHS continuing healthcare: Ann and Bill's story
Ann's husband Bill was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1997. In this animation, she explains the struggles she had in accessing continuing healthcare.
Latest campaign news
We supported the To Be Heard! music festival which showcased the creativity and achievements of people living with young onset Parkinson’s.
The King announced the new government’s legislative programme for the next year. Here are the highlights and what it could mean for the Parkinson’s community.
We wanted to make sure as many newly elected MPs understand Parkinson’s and how they can support our work to improve health care and transport services and financial support.
Local campaigners in England have been working hard to improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson's, by shining a light on issues and engaging with decision makers.
Join our network
Join our movement of over 8,000 people. Every month supporters help by signing a petition, completing a survey or emailing a decision maker.
With a few clicks you can help make a real difference for people living with Parkinson's.
Share your story
Your stories help us raise awareness of what it's really like for people living with Parkinson's. And put pressure on the government and others to give people with the condition a better deal.