
Become a Parkinson’s UK member and join a powerful movement of people across the UK, all here to support each other, improve lives, and find a cure.

Members drive absolutely everything Parkinson’s UK does

You can volunteer. Campaign. Share your experience. Join your local group. Improve services for people with Parkinson’s. Raise money for pioneering research, or take part in a clinical trial. 

Have your say in how we run the charity, and hold us to account. Make sure our plans and priorities reflect your lived experience of Parkinson’s and what matters to you most.

It’s all about coming together and doing whatever we can to improve life for people with Parkinson’s, families, friends and carers.

Parkinson's UK Membership is your community

When you become a member of Parkinson’s UK, you join over 40,000 people, dedicated to improving life for people living with and affected by the condition.

Parkinson’s UK is your charity. Parkinson’s UK Membership is your community. Together we’ll improve lives and find a cure.

Become a member

We have 40,000 members across the UK, and counting. Together we’re pushing for new treatments, specialist support, and better health and care. Join to get your voice heard and campaign for the changes that matter most to you.

Have feedback?

We want to provide you with the best support possible, whether you have Parkinson’s or love and care for someone who does.

If you have any compliments, complaints or comments, we’d love to hear from you.