Physical activity and exercise
Staying active helps to maintain your balance, strength and coordination. Match your ability to lessons and groups in your area, and get active this summer.
Physical activity intensity and why it matters
If you're getting started, a low-intensity workout is a great first step.
High-intensity is about building up a sweat, doing something energetic and getting out of breath.
Our resources page includes online materials, guides and tips about being active with Parkinson's.
Find local support and activities
There is lots of in-person and online support to help you live well with Parkinson’s. Search to find your nearest local group, emotional and practical support, health, physical activity and wellbeing services, or social activities.
Being Active with Parkinson's
Our Being Active with Parkinson's guide is available to download and order now.
You’ll find loads of helpful hints, ways to start your physical activity journey and top tips for staying active with Parkinson's.
You can order from the Parkinson's UK shop, or download your digital copy.
Physical activity YouTube playlist
Our YouTube playlist has a wide range of videos to help you start your active journey, as well as workouts, helpful hints and top tips.
You can find everything from chair-based workouts to high-intensity sessions that will get you building up a sweat.
Grants for activity providers
Do you know a trainer, physiotherapist, or activity provider that wants to develop more opportunities for people with Parkinson's to get and stay physically active?
If so, they may be eligible for funding from our physical activity grants scheme to help them get started or develop their programme further!
Physical activity and exercise news
Planning to watch the Paralympics this year? If you feel inspired as you cheer on Team GB, visit our resources page and learn how to get active.
We have recently updated our range of videos to help you get active from the comfort of your own home.
Teeing off for the first time? Golf can offer many social, physical and wellbeing benefits for people living with Parkinson's.