Best practice pathway for non-oral treatments in Parkinson's

This best practice pathway aims to provide clear referral processes for non-oral treatments in Parkinson's. It was updated in October 2021, and new elements have been added to the resource.

Last reviewed
  • Treatments and medication
Resource type
  • Tools
  • Doctor (Geriatrician)
  • Doctor (Neurologist)
  • Doctor (Other)
  • Nurse (Parkinson's nurse)

The Parkinson's non-oral therapy pathway was originally launched in 2016 to provide clear referral processes for non-oral treatments for Parkinson's, such as apomorphine, duodopa and deep brain stimulation.

The resource was updated in October 2021 by the Parkinson's Academy, in collaboration with the Parkinson's Excellence Network and the Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist Association.

Updates to the pathway include:

  • A new schematic highlighting the Parkinson's prodrome.
  • An assessment flow to optimise access to the right non-oral therapy for each patient.
  • A non-oral treatment pathway for sialorrhea management.

The original pathway was developed by a steering group of Parkinson's Academy faculty members, clinicians from the Excellence Network and neurological service commissioners.  Full details can be found in the Acknowledgements section of the pathway.