Parkinson's Excellence Network Mental Health Hub re-launch meeting

After a few years hiatus, the Mental Health Hub is holding an in-person meeting to re-launch the Hub and its offer to all healthcare professionals working or with an interest in Parkinson's and mental health.

1 day
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

The meeting aims to bring together professionals working in Parkinson’s and mental health, to network, share updates, hear the latest research and discuss the aims of the Mental Health Hub and the ways in which it can support the community of professionals working to improve mental health services for people with Parkinson’s.

The event will be led by Metal Health Hub Lead, Dr Jennifer Foley, Clinical Neuropsychologist at University College Hospitals London NHS Foundation Trust.

Through expert speaker sessions and workshops, the day will support delegates with their continuing professional development (CPD) and enable them to advise, support, signpost, and improve outcomes for people with Parkinson’s who may be experiencing issues with their mental health.

The following topics will be covered: 

  • Patients’ experiences of the impact of Parkinson’s mental health issues.
  • The current state of UK psychological services for people with Parkinson’s: the workforce and its development needs.
  • Clinical and economic evidence for supporting NHS investment in integrated mental health services for people with Parkinson’s.
  • Overview of updated professional guidance on the assessment and treatment of complex mental health issues in Parkinson's.
  • The Parkinson’s Excellence Network Mental Health Audit and training available for mental health professionals.

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