What might cause problems in managing impulse control for people with Parkinson’s?

Researchers at the University of Birmingham are investigating what factors in the brain and muscles of people with Parkinson’s might lead to a higher risk of losing impulse control.

This could include having difficulties controlling eating, or being tempted to overspend, and can be a result of taking some dopamine replacement therapies.


20 people with Parkinson’s who are not taking Parkinson’s medication 

20 people with Parkinson’s who are taking ropinirole (also known as Requip, Repinex, Aimpart, Ippinia, Ralnea, Raponer, Ropilynz, Ropiqual, or Spiroco) as part of their medications


Attending 2 study visits to the University of Birmingham;

These visits will last around 3 hours

Visits will involve completing a task while your brain activity is recorded by brain stimulation techniques or by small painless sensors attached to your scalp

Participants will be given £60 for taking part. Travel and accommodation costs can also be reimbursed

For more information, please read the participant information sheet.

Interested in taking part?

Please contact Aliya Warden by email at [email protected] or by phone at 07557028358.

The deadline for taking part in this research is 31 August 2024.

Funded by

Humane Research Trust

  • Studying symptoms

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom


Aliya Warden

Phone: 07557028358

Email: [email protected]