Parkinson's medication: supply update

Here are the latest medication supply issues we are aware of.

Getting your prescription

Pharmaceutical companies have shared they are facing supply problems with some medicines. Please check with your local pharmacy, as they may have your usual medicine in stock. 

However, if your area does have supply shortages you may not be able to get your usual prescription.

Alternatives may be suitable. Your doctor or pharmacist will discuss this with you.

Parkinson's drugs: current shortages 

Updated 5 September 2024

Teva Pharmaceuticals

  • Amantadine 50mg/5ml syrup 150ml will experience supply problems until mid-September 2024.
  • Co-careldopa 25mg/250mg tablets x 100 will experience supply issues until the end of September 2024.

Amantadine hydrochloride 100mg capsules x 14 and x 56 will no longer be supplied by Teva Pharmaceuticals, but will still be available. The manufacturer, Lucis, will continue to make the product but will no longer be distributing it through Teva Pharmaceuticals.

Why the UK has medicine supply issues

The UK has some specific challenges, but the NHS is not alone in experiencing drug shortages. A recent European Association of Hospital Pharmacists survey reported that 95% of hospital pharmacists across Europe were experiencing shortages.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) points to a combination of factors including:

  • post pandemic factors
  • global supply chain issues.

UK-specific challenges are reported to include:

  • post-Brexit costs and paperwork
  • a voluntary NHS annual spending cap on branded medicines.

For doctors and pharmacists

Please seek advice from your NHS pharmacy procurement specialist or the Specialist Pharmacy Service.

Staying up to date with supply issues

We will post updates as pharmaceutical companies share them with us. They will let us know what action they're taking to make sure medications are available for people with Parkinson's.

Get support

Our specialist adviser team and helpline (0808 800 0303) can provide information about any aspect of living with Parkinson's, including help with accessing health services, medications or benefits.

Please note that nurses on our helpline are not able to change medications, doses or timings over the phone.