Universal Credit
Universal Credit is a new means-tested benefit for people of working age. It replaces 6 existing benefits with a single payment for those who are out of work or on a low income.
What is Universal Credit?
Universal Credit is a new means-tested benefit for people of working age. It replaces 6 existing benefits with a single payment for those who are out of work or on a low income.
Universal Credit is currently being phased in across the UK. It replaces the following benefits:
- Housing Benefit
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
- Income Support
- Working Tax Credit
- Child Tax Credit.
Since January 2019, anyone making a new claim for a working-age means-tested benefit usually claims Universal Credit rather than the older benefits listed above.
People on these benefits are now being transferred to Universal Credit under 'managed migration'. If you already get paid income-related Employment and Support Allowance the government's current intention is to move you to Universal Credit by December 2025.
Who can claim Universal Credit?
To claim Universal Credit, you need to meet the following basic conditions. You must:
- be aged 18 or over (or 16 to 17 in certain cases)
- be under Pension Credit qualifying age (State Pension age). Couples where 1 is below pension age and the other over pension age will claim Universal Credit
- be in Great Britain and not be subject to immigration control
- not be in education (unless you're claiming a disability benefit, see below), and
- have accepted a claimant commitment (see 'Your responsibilities' section below).
In addition, you must meet the financial conditions:
- You (and your partner, if you're making a joint claim) must not have combined capital of more than £16,000, and
- Your earnings or other income (and that of your partner, if making a joint claim) must not be too high for Universal Credit to be payable (see section 'How much is Universal Credit?' below).
Joint claims
If you live with a partner, you'll need to make a joint claim for Universal Credit. In a joint claim, you and your partner must usually meet all the basic conditions above.
In education
You can still qualify for Universal Credit when you're in full-time education if you get a disability benefit such as Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment, and before you make your claim you have been assessed as having a limited capability for work. This is tested under the Work Capability Assessment (see below).
How do I claim Universal Credit?
You should normally claim Universal Credit online.
If you're unable to apply online or need help, contact the Universal Credit Helpline on 0800 328 5644 (textphone 0800 328 1344).
You should have the following information available when you begin your claim:
- your postcode
- your (and your partner's) National Insurance number
- details of your bank or building society account
- any rental agreement you may have
- details of your (and your partner's) income, savings and capital
- details of your (and your partner's) earnings
- details of any other benefits that you (or your partner) receive
- if you have children, their Child Benefit reference.
The initial interview
Once you've made your claim, you'll need to participate in an interview. This is to confirm the information you gave when you made the claim and to discuss what you'll need to do to receive the benefit.
If you have a disability or health condition that means you'll find it hard to attend or take part in the interview, you can ask the Jobcentre to make 'reasonable adjustments'.
For example, it may be possible to hold the interview somewhere you can get to more easily, or do the interview over the phone.
You may also want someone with you at the interview for support or assistance, such as a friend, relative or professional.
At the interview, a work coach will discuss your work prospects with you, and the support you may need to help you find work, or agree an exemption from looking for a job.
The work coach will draw up a 'claimant commitment' outlining the responsibilities and work-related requirements that you must meet to keep getting the benefit in full (see 'What conditions do I have to meet?' section below). You'll have to agree and sign this commitment.
If you can't show good reason for not fulfilling your claimant commitment then you'll be sanctioned. You can ask for this commitment to be reviewed if you struggle to meet the commitments.
How much is Universal Credit?
The amount of Universal Credit you're paid depends on your circumstances. It's worked out on a monthly basis by comparing your financial needs with your existing income from other benefits and earnings.
Set amounts for different needs are added together to give a 'maximum amount' – the basic amount the law says you need to live on each month.
Your maximum amount is made up of a 'standard allowance' and different 'amounts' (see below). From this figure, deductions are made for any earnings, other benefits you receive, debts from old benefits and arrears for utility costs and council tax. The resulting figure will be your Universal Credit for that month.
The standard allowance
This is the basic allowance that's always included in every claim. The amount you're entitled to depends on your age and whether you're claiming as a single person or with a partner.
The standard allowance per month is:
- single claimant aged under 25 - £311.68
- single claimant aged 25 or over - £393.45
- joint claimants both aged under 25 - £489.23
- joint claimants where either is 25 or over - £617.60
The additional amounts
These are paid to cover different needs. Any amounts you're eligible for will be added to the standard allowance to make your maximum amount.
There are 5 types:
- The limited capability for work-related activity amount - you may be eligible for an amount of £416.19 a month if you're unable to work because of a disability or health condition such as Parkinson's. This is tested under the Work Capability Assessment (see below).
- The carer amount - an amount of £198.31 is included if you have regular and substantial caring responsibilities for a severely disabled person.
- The housing costs amount - this may be included in your award if you pay rent. It can also cover certain service charge payments.
- The child amount - this is included in your award for each child (or qualifying young person) who lives with you up to a maximum of 2 children (unless you're exempt from this restriction). An additional amount is included for every child who is disabled.
- The childcare costs amount - this is included in your award if you pay for registered childcare in order to stay in work.
Capital and savings
The capital limit for Universal Credit is £16,000, whether you're single or a couple. If you have savings or capital over £16,000, you can't get Universal Credit.
If you have savings or capital under £6,000, this is disregarded (which means you can receive Universal Credit in full).
If your capital is between £6,000 and £16,000, it is treated as generating a monthly income of £4.35 per month for each £250 (or part of £250) above the lower limit of £6,000. For instance, if you have capital of £6,300, it is treated as generating a monthly income of £8.70.
Earnings and income
If you're employed, your Universal Credit reduces gradually as you earn more. For every pound you earn (after tax and any deductions such as National Insurance or pension contributions) your Universal Credit payment reduces by 55p.
In some situations, you're allowed to keep some of your earnings up to a certain limit before your Universal Credit is affected. This is known as the 'work allowance'.
You may be eligible for a work allowance if you have limited capability for work, or responsibility for children.
If you have income other than earnings, such as other benefits, these will usually be taken into account in full, so that your Universal Credit is reduced pound for pound.
Some benefits are completely ignored, for example, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payment.
The 'Work Capability Assessment' is the test used by the Department for Work and Pensions to assess whether people applying for Universal Credit or Employment and Support Allowance have:
- a limited capability for work
- a limited capability for work-related activity.
This will determine whether you're entitled to the 'limited capability for work-related activity' amount of Universal Credit, and what work-related requirements, if any, you must meet to keep receiving the benefit in full.
Some conditions trigger automatic entitlement to exemption from work search activities and entitlement to the 'limited capability for work-related activity' element.
You're exempt and entitled to the extra element if you're deemed to be at risk if not found to meet the criteria, terminally ill, in receipt or about to start or recovering from chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or pregnant.
Also exempt are couples where 1 person is over pension age and the pensioner receives either Attendance Allowance or the highest rate of other disability benefits.
For more details about the points system used to make this assessment, including advice on completing the capability for work questionnaire, read the appendices of our Universal Credit information booklet (PDF, 472KB).
To qualify for Universal Credit, you may need to meet certain work-related conditions. These are known as 'requirements' and are recorded in the claimant commitment drawn up by you and the work coach at your work search interview.
Your benefit is likely to be reduced ('sanctioned') if you fail to meet a requirement.
The tasks you agree will depend on your personal situation. In some circumstances, none of the work-related requirements will apply to you.
You're exempt from all work-related conditions if you:
- are responsible for a child under the age of 1
- have regular and substantial caring responsibilities of 35 hours a week or more for a severely disabled person, or
- have a limited capability for work-related activity. This is tested under the Work Capability Assessment (see above)
- are a carer, not necessarily in receipt of Carer's Allowance or Carer Support Payment (in Scotland), but entitled to the Carer's Element in the calculation
- are a couple where 1 is over pension age. The person over pension age will be exempt from all the 'work-related requirements'
- fit the student exemption criteria
- have been threatened with or experienced domestic violence in the last 6 months
- can show exceptional circumstances.
If work-related requirements do apply, there are 4 different types of requirement that may be included in your claimant commitment, depending on your situation.
These are:
The work-focused interview requirement
Here you need to take part in 1 or more work-focused interviews. These are designed to assess your prospects and help or encourage you to move into, or stay in, work.
The work-preparation requirement
Here you're expected to take action to improve your chances of getting work. This can include taking part in training, an employment programme or work experience.
The work-search requirement
You're required to take reasonable action to get paid work (or more work if you're already working part-time). This can include searching for work, applying for jobs, creating and maintaining an online profile or registering with employment agencies.
You'll be expected to search for work for a minimum amount of time each week, usually set at 35 hours. The work you're searching for must also amount to at least 35 hours a week. If you already work part-time you'll be expected to increase your total hours in work to a minimum of 35 a week.
In each case, the Department for Work and Pensions may agree to less than 35 hours if you have caring responsibilities or a physical or mental impairment.
The work-availability requirement
You're normally required to be able and willing to take up paid work (or more work if you're already working part-time) immediately. You must also be able and willing to attend a job interview immediately.
If you're caring for a child or someone with a physical or mental impairment, the Department for Work and Pensions can allow you up to 1 month to take up paid work, and up to 48 hours to attend a job interview, so that you can make alternative care arrangements.
If you have a 'physical or mental impairment that has a substantial adverse effect' on your ability to carry out work of a particular nature or in a particular place, you're not expected to be available for such work or in such a place.
Universal Credit is automatically paid monthly in arrears, however you can ask for it to be paid more frequently. In Scotland and Northern Ireland you have an automatic right to be paid bi-monthly.
If you have a partner, you can choose who receives the payment.
It should normally take around 5-6 weeks to get your first payment of Universal Credit once you've completed your claim.
If you have difficulty budgeting at the beginning of your claim, you can ask for an advance payment, which you'll have to repay. To apply for a Universal Credit advance, call 0800 328 5644 (textphone 0800 328 1344), or speak to your job coach.
Starting in May 2022 and slowly covering all of the UK, people on old legacy means-tested benefits have been receiving 'Migration Notice' letters. The notice will tell you that your existing means-tested benefit will be ending soon and provide information about how to make a new claim for Universal Credit.
Last year tax credit claimants were told their tax credits were ending and they needed to make a claim for Universal Credit. This year the focus has moved to people claiming almost all the means-tested benefits, including pensioners on tax credits. The only group who are not included are those on means-tested Employment and Support Allowance, with or without Housing Benefit.
Initially, managed migration was planned for 2028, but now the Department for Work and Pensions plans to send all migration notices by the end of December 2025. If you get ESA with child tax credits, the Department for Work and Pensions intends to migrate your claim from July 2024 onwards.
You will have 3 months (with an additional 1 month extension if needed) to make the new claim. After the 3 months your old existing benefit(s) will stop. If you're entitled to less money on Universal Credit you'll receive transitional financial protection where you’ll receive the same amount of money as you did on your old means-tested benefit(s).
There are some protections for you if you were told you needed to make a claim for Universal Credit. Students will be able to claim until their academic course ends. If you were getting tax credits before claiming Universal Credit and you have capital over £16,000 you will be able to claim Universal Credit for 1 year.
Managed migration is different from natural and voluntary migration where your circumstances change or you choose to make a claim for Universal Credit. When your existing means-tested benefit ends due to your circumstances changing (for example, you lose your job) and you need financial help, then you'll claim Universal Credit (natural migration).
There is no transitional financial protection if you claim Universal Credit voluntarily or if changes in your circumstances mean you have to claim Universal Credit.
Some people are better off on Universal Credit than on their old legacy means-tested benefits so they can voluntarily choose to claim Universal Credit.
If you need help to understand the changes or help to make a new claim call our helpline on 0808 800 0303. Find out more about our helpline.
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We can help you understand what financial support is available and make sure you're claiming the money you're entitled to.
Last updated July 2024. If you'd like to find out more about how we put our information together, including references and the sources of evidence we use, please contact us at [email protected]