Evaluating our research

Our research is dependent on voluntary donations. So capturing and sharing the impact of our research is vital to raising the funds that we need to invest in future.

Since 2013 we've been using the Researchfish system to help us improve the way we collect data on outcomes and impacts arising from all our awards.

We use the information collected in a number of ways: to report to trustees and donors, to evaluate our grant schemes, and to raise much needed further funds for research.

Researchfish is an online survey database used to gather information about research outputs and outcomes.

The principles behind Researchfish are simple:

  • to allow researchers to record all their research outputs and outcomes in one place
  • to help researchers share relevant outcomes with funders more easily and efficiently

Grantholders can enter information about their research outcomes. This can then be linked to grants held with any funding organisations that use Researchfish.

Read our FAQs (PDF, 43KB) and those produced by Researchfish.

We require all grantholders to enter accurate and comprehensive outcomes data from their Parkinson's UK-funded projects into Researchfish.

Submission deadlines will occur annually, usually in January. It is recommended, however, that you update information in your portfolio throughout the year.

Please note that you will be alerted by email prior to the next submission deadline. 

Submitting Researchfish data is a condition of your grant award. Read our terms and conditions for research grants.

  • By using the delegate function, you can add someone to Researchfish who can add outputs on your behalf.
  • Researchfish outputs can be added to the system and attributed to your grant all year long, even outside of the submission window.
  • The Researchfish Livechat function is a fast and effective way to get help and support during a submission window.
  • Researchfish data can be used as part of your CV.

You will still be required to submit annual and final reports, in addition to submitting Researchfish data.

We use annual and final reports to monitor and evaluate the progress of individual grants and to report to donors and people with Parkinson's.