Accordion pill

We saw our neurologist yesterday, yet again a new one!

He seemed very knowledgable and approachable..I asked about the progress of  bringing Rytary to the UK. He said progress was very slow and he didn't have any hope of a speedy arrival.

However he told us that the latest long-lasting formulation of Sinemet-style drugs is the Accordian pill being trialled in Israel.

He thinks this could be available fairly soon and will offer relief to those that who take  Sinemet every 2 hours like my husband.

So we are feeling hopeful again!

Any comments from Research?




Hi Golden girl

We've looked into Accordion and found this recent press release from the pharmaceutical company:

It highlights the first participant to enrol in a new phase III clinical trial of the slow release pill. The study will test the treatment in participants for 25 weeks, and will measure daily 'off' time. 

As this drug is still in clinical trials it is likely to be a little while before we know the outcome. Should results from the trial be positive, the next step would be for Accordion to be submitted to regulatory bodies for approval.

As the trial is taking place in Israel we would expect the company to look for EMA licencing approval. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) can grant new drugs a Europe wide licence, under laws set by the European Commission. If granted, EMA approval would cover the UK.

We will keep a look out and share any news as we hear more.

With best wishes,

The Research Team

Thank you!

It is encouraging to know improved meds are going to be here soon.

