Parkinson's Research Webinars

Some of the world’s greatest in your own home

The World Parkinson’s Coalition are running a series of Webinars next week - Tuesday 30 September to Thursday 2 October.

The speakers include some of the best Parkinson's researchers in the world including Professor David Burn, Parkinson’s UK’s first Clinical Director. On Thursday 2 October he will be joined by two other brilliant Parkinson’s UK funded researchers – Dr Roger Barker, University of Cambridge and Professor Ray Chaudhuri,  Kings College London.

Participants will be able to engage with speakers and ask questions in real time.

Topics include:

  • Recent developments in drug delivery
  • Accurate diagnosis
  • New treatments and the challenges around them
  • Non motor symptoms
  • Personalized medicine 

You can find out more information about the full programme here -

Please note that if you want to watch and take part in any of the webcasts you must register in advance.

Members of the Parkinson's UK Research Support Network get news of stories like this in email.
If you want to keep up to date with all the latest research news, events and opportunities to take part and help shape research. Sign up here –

Note also that you can watch the talks AFTER the date because they are all going to be archived and made accessible. 

This means that a group could watch selected talks whenever they want.  It could form the focus of a research event provided you had an internet connection and a projector or big telly to show the talk on.

(I don't know yet whether you would be able to download the video for a talk onto a memory stick so that you didn't then need an Internet connection in the place where you watch the talk.)


The webonars are now in full flow and I have discovered that you can watch immediately the ones that have passed.  So there is no waiting for the recordings to be put up - they are efficiently putting them up very soon after the session!
