A cure


Yes. can someone with more bio-chemistry than me (90% of the population) tell us how that fits in alongside eg http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/news/10-october-2013/new-chemical-identified-which-could-stop-conditions-parkinsons and the reports from WPC (http://www.parkinsons.org.uk/news/15-october-2013/dr-kieran-breens-research-round-wpc) please?



The cures that are discussed are still far away. Both cures are still in preclinical phase and the mentioned chemicals have side effect so they have to be tuned before people can start using them. We are not yet there as at the moment it is not safe to test these chemicals on humans.

Considering the difference of the 2 cures ... in the cure I posted, yeast cells were used to screen for curing chemicals. This is a new approach that probably is easy to use to screen for cures for other neurodegenerative disease. They also found a new target they never thaught of. The second cure was the result of taking a carefully thought process which apparently was a good one.

One thing still bugs me, though. There are several gene mutations known that increase risk for PD. In this new study they used iPSC cells to screen for curing chemicals. They did some interesting research with iPSC:


But only with focus on PINK1 and LRRK2. I wonder why they never did something similar for the GBA gene as this is the most common gene among PD sufferers.